Peter, Nathan, Tracy and Matt face a fight for their lives after being cornered and trapped by a monstrous Suresh as he tries to keeps his test subjects under control - and Parkman is dealt another blow when Daphne is sent to kill him. Elle returns with a shock for Claire, while Angela challenges Pinehearst by using Sylar to save Peter. Hiro questions African precognitive Usutu's advice on how to battle his gathering opponents
S03E08 - Villains
S03E09 - It's Coming
S03E10 - The Eclipse : Part 1
S03E11 - The Eclipse : Part 2
S03E12 - Our Father
S03E13 - Dual
S03E14 - Volume Four: Fugitives - A Clear and Present Danger
S03E15 - Trust and Blood
S03E16 - Building 26
S03E17 - Cold Wars
S03E18 - Exposed
S03E19 - Shades Of Gray
S03E20 - Cold Snap
S03E21 - Into Asylum
Nathan and Claire are forced to hide out in Mexico
S03E22 - Turn and Face the Strange
S03E23 - 1961
S03E24 - I Am Sylar
S03E25 - An Invisible Thread
¡La red de cobertura cinematográfica más grande del mundo ya está en México!